April 1, 1999
Rudy and Hillary 'Canoodling'?
By the Exaggerated Press
NEW YORK (EP) -- Internet columnist Matt Drudge reported Saturday that First Lady Hillary Clinton and New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani are "romantically involved." The couple, who have been touted as potential adversaries in the 2000 Senate race in New York, are both married but reportedly "looking."
In the weeks since her husband's impeachment trial, Washington insiders have speculated that the First Couple has, for all intents and purposes, separated. Similarly, many consider Hizzoner's marriage to newscaster Donna Hanover to be on shaky ground. Spokespeople for both Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Giuliani declined to comment.
Beltway figures responded to the report on various news programs Sunday morning. On "Face the Nation," House Whip Tom Delay (R-XX) said he was "shocked, saddened, upset, and more than a little turned on" by the news.
Later, on "Meet the Press," Presidential hopeful Bill Bradley expressed concern over potential conflicts of interest, as well as the possibility that the union would result in "ugly, loudmouth kids."
The only White House representative to comment was Sidney Blumenthal, who appeared on MSNBC's "Hockenberry." Blumenthal insisted that "the Clintons' marriage is strong, and they are still very much in love," which are pretty big words for a guy whose credibility is in the toilet.
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