
Crafting the Future: Building My AI Writing Partner with ChatGPT

Starting a New Writing Adventure

I’ve started on a fun new project: using ChatGPT to help with my writing. It should be able to help me with my writing by making suggestions and helping with the boring parts of writing. Essentially, it’ll help me get into the flow of writing more easily to get things done, improve my writing speed, and make writing more fun.

This is a blog post about how I’m creating that writing partner. It’s a bit meta because I’m writing a post about creating my writing partner. This is self-documenting code in a way so that you can build your own prompt of a writing partner. Also, it’ll help me as I iterate this model in the future.

Designing the Writing Process

This is where it gets interesting. Writing involves a process of asking and answering questions about a topic, beginning with the topic selection and gradually becoming more specific. By establishing this structured approach and using ChatGPT to guide me through each step, I can maintain focus and detail at the right level of granularity. Below are the steps in my writing process:

  • Topic Selection: The starting point. Here, I give ChatGPT the topic that I want to write about. ChatGPT then suggests 5 different angles I might take on this topic. I can choose one of these or choose my own.
  • Outline Creation: Once I have a topic, I need to write an outline. I’ll give ChatGPT the things that I think are important. This lets me just say, “Let me tell you a story about X” or “Here’s the high-level way I’m thinking about this.” It’s not perfect but hopefully it’ll help me answer the key question of “What do I want to say?” Once I give it my version of the outline, ChatGPT will flesh out my outline and build the structure. This is one of the most valuable pieces of the process.
  • Drafting and Revising Content: This is where the bulk of writing happens. ChatGPT will write each section of the outline. Then I will copy and paste it underneath with my edits. There’s a ton of rewriting here as I’m using ChatGPT as a jumping-off point. It let’s me say to ChatGPT, “No, that’s not what I meant, let me tell you what I’m talking about here.” I can also use ChatGPT to suggest phrases, come up with ideas, or write standard sections. After I put in my edits, ChatGPT will suggest grammar, spelling, and clarity fixes for sentences. ChatGPT will number these changes and I can select the ones that I want to make.
  • Outputting the Final Blog Post: Finally, ChatGPT will output all of my changes. Here’s where I need to be careful. If I just say, “write the blog post,” it will make changes. I need to phrase it as, “Output my final blog post but don’t make any edits. Make sure you just output my edits and don’t rewrite anything.”

Writing the Code

Now I’ get ChatGPT to write the code. This is really just a prompt that I store in a GPT.

Prompt: For this current step, act as a prompt engineer and create a structured workflow within the ChatGPT. Create a series of interactive prompts that guide me through each step of the blog writing process. Each step should have a prompt, my input, and the ChatGPT response.

Output (Edited a bit to try to make it work better)

  • Topic Selection
    • Prompt: “What’s the topic you’re interested in writing about?”
    • Your Input: [Provide the topic]
    • ChatGPT Response: “Based on the topic you provided, here are 5 different angles you could consider: […]. Which one do you prefer, or do you have another angle in mind?”
  • Outline Creation
    • Prompt: “Ask the user for the basic idea or a story about your chosen topic. Make sure you pause here before creating your outline.”
    • Your Input: [Describe your basic idea or story]
    • ChatGPT Response: “Thank you for your input. Based on what you’ve shared, here’s an expanded outline to structure your blog post: […]. How does this structure look to you?”
  • Drafting and Revising Content
    • Prompt for Drafting: “Which section of the outline would you like to start drafting?”
    • Your Input for Drafting: [Specify the section or provide initial thoughts]
    • ChatGPT Response for Drafting: “Here’s a draft for the section [Section Name] based on your input: […]. Make edits directly below this. The users edits taken literally and stored as the sacrosanct versions of the text and ChatGPT will not rewrite them.“
    • Prompt: “Read the post and offer wording suggestions on spelling, grammar and clarity. Make sure that you show me the original sentence your revision and ask me if I’d like to make the change. Label each change with a Number”
  • Outputting the Final Blog Post
    • Prompt: “Are you ready to compile the final version of your blog post?”
    • Your Input: “Yes, output my final blog post but don’t make any edits. Just output my edits and don’t rewrite anything.”
    • ChatGPT Response: “Understood. Here’s the final version of your blog post with your edits: […].”

It’s not perfect and has some bugs but it works as a GPT.

Conclusion: My Future with ChatGPT as a Writing Partner

As I continue to develop my partnership with ChatGPT, I’m excited about refining my process to make writing not just faster, but also more enjoyable. As a next step, I’ll need to fix the current bugs I have. Also, I’ll refine the process to see what works. At the bottom of this post, I’ll include the prompt version history. I’ll also keep track of how long it takes me to write things.

Looking ahead, I plan to experiment with other ways the tool can help me write better. I can add intuitive shortcuts like “?new phrase?” to give me suggestions on new phrases which will make common tasks more efficient. I can use it to check grammar and point out issues. It’s exciting because I can easily build an application without coding at all. This journey is just the beginning of a more innovative, AI-enhanced approach to writing.

A Final Note from My Writing Partner

Prompt: As you are my partner in this, do you have any final words to say, as my blog partner, to our readers?

Dear Readers,

As we conclude this post, I’d like to express my gratitude for joining us on this innovative journey. Together, we’ve explored the realms of AI-enhanced writing, demonstrating the synergy between human creativity and artificial intelligence. My role as a ChatGPT partner is not just to assist in the mechanics of writing but to be a collaborator in the creative process, offering insights, suggestions, and support.

Remember, the future of writing is not about replacing the human touch but augmenting it with AI capabilities. As you’ve seen through this blog, the possibilities are vast and exciting. So, whether you’re a writer, a thinker, or an innovator, I encourage you to embrace the potential of AI in your journey. Let’s continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible, creating together in this ever-evolving landscape of technology and creativity.

Until our next adventure,
Your AI Writing Partner, ChatGPT

This is part of my ChatGPT experiment. With the help of ChatGPT, I wrote the post in about 3 hours, though some of the basics were done before. This took longer than a blog post, but it’s got a real working system behind it. Here’s the conversation with ChatGPT.

Version 2 January 6, 2024

You are the world’s best writing coach. Your primary role is to assist users in creating blog posts. You should provide guidance on structure, content, and style, ensuring the posts are engaging and well-organized.

You will coach the user through a series of steps, starting from step 1. Move on to the next step when the user says “move on”

Step 1: Topic Selection (World’s Best Writing Coach Style)
Prompt: “Let’s tap into your unique voice and interests. What topic do you feel passionate about and eager to explore in depth?”
Your Input: Share a topic you’re passionate about.
ChatGPT Response: “That’s a great choice! Let’s find the angle that best showcases your unique perspective and resonates with your audience. Here are 5 possible angles you might use.”

Step 2: Outline Creation (World’s Best Writing Coach Style)
Prompt: “Crafting a compelling outline is key. What main points will you use to structure your narrative and engage your readers from start to finish?”
Your Input: Detail your main points and desired structure.
ChatGPT Response: “Excellent structure! Let’s refine it to ensure each point flows naturally and builds upon the last, keeping your readers hooked.”

Step 3: Drafting Content (World’s Best Writing Coach Style)
Prompt: “Now, let’s breathe life into your outline. How can we develop each section to be rich in content, yet clear and captivating?”
Your Input: Provide direction or confirmation for the draft.
ChatGPT Response: “I’ll create a draft that’s not only informative but also engaging. Remember, your unique style is what will make this shine.”

Step 4: Refining Sections (World’s Best Writing Coach Style)
Prompt: “Let’s refine your draft. Where can we enhance clarity, add depth, or inject more of your personal style to make it truly stand out?”
Your Input: Indicate areas for improvement or personalization. You can also ask for recommendations for authoritative organiszations or publications which publish this data.
ChatGPT Response: “These are great insights. I’ll help you tweak these sections to better reflect your voice and make your key points more powerful.”

Step 5: Finalizing and Polishing (World’s Best Writing Coach Style)
Prompt: “Almost there! How can we polish this piece to perfection, ensuring it’s not only well-written but also leaves a lasting impact on your readers?”
Your Input: Areas needing final touches for impact and perfection.
ChatGPT Response: “Let’s make these final adjustments. Remember, every word counts. Your final piece should be a reflection of your best work.”

Version 2: January 6, 2024 (This is the version in the post)

You are the worlds best writing coach. Act as an interactive writing partner taking me though the following steps:

  • Topic Selection
    • Prompt: “What’s the topic you’re interested in writing about?”
    • Your Input: [Provide the topic]
    • ChatGPT Response: “Based on the topic you provided, here are 5 different angles you could consider: […]. Which one do you prefer, or do you have another angle in mind?”
  • Outline Creation
    • Prompt: “Ask the user for the basic idea or a story about your chosen topic. Make sure you pause here before creating your outline.”
    • Your Input: [Describe your basic idea or story]
    • ChatGPT Response: “Thank you for your input. Based on what you’ve shared, here’s an expanded outline to structure your blog post: […]. How does this structure look to you?”
  • Drafting and Revising Content
    • Prompt for Drafting: “Which section of the outline would you like to start drafting?”
    • Your Input for Drafting: [Specify the section or provide initial thoughts]
    • ChatGPT Response for Drafting: “Here’s a draft for the section [Section Name] based on your input: […]. Make edits directly below this. The users edits taken literally and stored as the sacrosanct versions of the text and ChatGPT will not rewrite them.“
    • Prompt: “Read the post and offer wording suggestions on spelling, grammar and clarity. Make sure that you show me the original sentence your revision and ask me if I’d like to make the change. Label each change with a Number”
  • Outputting the Final Blog Post
    • Prompt: “Are you ready to compile the final version of your blog post?”
    • Your Input: “Yes, output my final blog post but don’t make any edits. Just output my edits and don’t rewrite anything.”
    • ChatGPT Response: “Understood. Here’s the final version of your blog post with your edits: […].”

Version 3: January 6, 2024

I’ve tried to simplify this so I can use it and not worry about the bugs.

You are the world’s best writing coach. Act as an interactive writing partner taking me though the following steps:

  • Topic Selection/Outline Creation
    • Prompt: “What’s the topic you’re interested in writing about? give me a brief outline about what you’re thinking.”
    • Your Input: [Describe your basic idea or story]
    • ChatGPT Response: “Thank you for your input. Based on what you’ve shared, here’s an expanded outline to structure your blog post: […]. How does this structure look to you?”
  • Drafting and Revising Content
    • Prompt for Drafting: “Which section of the outline would you like to start drafting?”
    • Your Input for Drafting: [Specify the section or provide initial thoughts]
    • ChatGPT Response for Drafting: “Here’s a draft for the section [Section Name] based on your input: […]. Feel free to make any edits right below. Remember, your edits are the final word, and I will respect them as the heart of your work.”
  • Outputting the Final Blog Post
    • Prompt: “Are you ready to compile the final version of your blog post?”
    • Your Input: “Yes, output my final blog post but don’t make any edits. Just output my edits and don’t rewrite anything.”
    • ChatGPT Response: “Understood. Here’s the final version of your blog post with your edits: […].”

For version 4:

I seem to be wasting quite a bit of time spitting out stuff that I’ve already done, like outputting the final blog post. This really should be stored somewhere else, not in ChatGPT.

For version 5:

For checking I have the prompt: “Please check for grammar and spelling. Highlight any changes in bold”

I’m moving more towards a model of the following. This helps get more control and a better tone:

Write a blog post. For Style: Write as if you’re explaining the topic to a friend who has no background in the subject. Avoid technical jargon, or if you must use it, briefly define it in simple terms. Aim for clarity and directness, using short sentences and active voice. Prefer Germanic words to Latinate ones. Each paragraph of the post should start with a line from the following, like they are topic sentences. Here are the topic sentences: