ChatGPT Humor

How I Broke My Ankle, As Told By Familiar TV Characters

I managed to break my ankle in the most absurd way possible. Technically, I was on my way to go skiing—but saying I was skiing would be a stretch. It’s complicated… I’ll just let some familiar characters explain it.

ChatGPT Technology

Are You Struggling with SQL? AI Can Give You Analytics Superpowers

He was just an ordinary product manager, struggling with messy data and failed queries. Day after day, he was constantly thwarted by the complexities of SQL. Queries were unsolvable puzzles—joins, aggregations, and null values tripping him up at every turn. Then, one fateful afternoon, everything changed. He discovered a secret weapon against his SQL struggles—LLMs. With AI by his side, he could finally conquer those inscrutable queries and turn ideas into insights with confidence.

And he became… Super SQL Man!

This is his story.

Books / Audiobooks ChatGPT

The Power of the Written Word

I’m pissed. Bestselling nonfiction books have been lying to me. I know I shouldn’t care so much about this, but these books hold an odd level of cachet in our world. Books like those by Steven Levitt (Freakonomics) or Malcolm Gladwell (Outliers) have ideas that I used to take seriously. But seem to go viral throughout culture, shaping the way we think and talk about the world.


Why ChatGPT Didn’t Brush Its Teeth

As much as we’d like to believe we’re guided by pure logic, the truth is far messier: we’re not rational beings; we’re rationalizing beings. Our decisions aren’t always born of reason but are often retroactively dressed up in it. We make choices based on feelings, impulses, or half-formed desires, and then we craft stories to make those choices seem deliberate. It’s not dishonesty; it’s our mind’s way of stitching together coherence from chaos. And that’s okay. The goal isn’t to stop this process—it’s part of what makes us human. But when we pause to question our justifications, we open the door to understanding ourselves better: what we value, what we fear, and who we’re striving to become.

This tendency isn’t just a quirk of adulthood—it’s alive and well in kids, too, though with far less polish.


The Day the Turing Test Died: Examining the “Humanity” of AI

In the past, the Turing Test was used as a measure of artificial intelligence. This was a test of whether a computer could fake being human.

We don’t do this anymore. Here’s the reason why.

ChatGPT Product Management

10 Commandments of Product Management

It’s also a good time to point out something we emphasize in each of our books: Nothing you will read in this book was invented by us.

Marty Cagan. Transformed. Silicon Valley Product Group.

I enjoy Marty Cagan’s books on Product Management. The ideas are simple and straigtfoward. As he says in the quote above, he didn’t invent any of these ideas.

I was curious about how old these ideas really were so I asked ChatGPT if it could find some references to these Product Management principles in the Bible. Here’s what it found.


Why Did OpenAI Nickname its Latest Model “Strawberry”?

The nickname “Strawberry” for OpenAI’s new model is an inside joke, but no one told ChatGPT. Here’s the punchline: “Finally, ChatGPT knows how many R’s are in the word Strawberry.”

Adventures ChatGPT

ChatGPT as a Museum Tour Guide

I’ve become spoiled. I love being able to look at the art and have somebody explain to me what’s going on. This started in college when I went to a Picasso exhibit with my grandfather. Picasso is quite difficult to understand without the background. I just saw a lot of random shapes. However, when I learned what Picasso was trying to do, combine the best shapes of each object and combine them onto a single canvas, the art made a whole lot more sense.


The Art of Prompt Compression from Claude Shannon to LLMs

For about a year, I’ve been thinking about what compression looks like for an LLM prompt. Compression in computing is pretty well defined. But I was curious about how short a prompt can be while still having enough information to pull the right answer from the model. 

ChatGPT Fun Stuff Humor

ChatGPT Memes That Show AI’s Quirky Side

I found some funny ChatGPT memes on Bored Panda that I wanted to share. All of the text and commentary are generated by ChatGPT based on the uploaded images. It’s pretty amazing that it can read and interpret the images as well as provide sensible commentary. The only prompt I gave was “I want to write a blog post about these images.”