Product Management

Smart Audio is Here to Stay: Some Takeaways from NPR’s Smart Audio Report

NPR and Edison Research have been putting together The Smart Audio Report. The study, presented at CES in January, gives a good look into how quickly smart speakers like Alexa and Google Home are entering the home:

  • It’s growing fast: 16% of Americans have a smart speaker − 128% growth since January 2017
  • Usage is growing over time: 84% use their speaker the same amount or more than the first month they owned it
  • They’re becoming embedded into people’s lives: 65% say that they would not like to go back to life without their smart speaker

The most interesting chart is a breakdown of the most frequently used activities by the time of day.

I haven’t done many of these things but I look forward to finding out more about them!

Product Management

What Does a Hotel Brand Stand for? How Airbnb Changed the Game

I was recently on an airplane with a hotel entrepreneur. His family had immigrated to the US about 20 years ago and they decided to enter the hotel industry. Being new entrants to hospitality, they started with lower quality airport motels (e.g., Econolodge) and gradually moved up to more premium hotels (e.g., Marriott).

I had always assumed that a hotel with a better brand made more money for the owner. I was surprised to learn that this wasn’t necessarily true. Premium hotels are priced higher but these higher prices are eaten up by higher costs in service, staffing and quality of amenities (e.g., beds).

However, it’s generally easier to run a premium hotel. For example, the guests are better behaved, despite their bad rap for being overbearing and demanding perfect levels of service.  Guests at economy hotels bring bad behavior to a whole new level.  My new friend told me about having to break up fights between guests or calming down a customer who was threatening one of his front office staff with racist remarks. People are much more likely to treat the hotel property poorly and even break things in an economy hotel. This leads to additional costs.

One of the worst problems in economy hotels was bedbugs — and not the way you’d think. Customers who already have bedbug problems at home would check into his hotel. Then they would smuggle in some of their bedbug-infested linens into the hotel room. Then they’d check out and wait a few days for the bedbugs to entrench themselves in the hotel room. Then they’d sue the hotel and say that their house became infested with bedbugs because of the hotel. So now the hotel has a room with bedbugs and a lawsuit to deal with.

But stuff like that doesn’t happen at a Mariott (at least I hope it doesn’t). Hotels with premium brands set expectations on the customer experience —price, quality and customer behavior. Put another way, the brand provides a level of trust to the traveler that they will have a good experience.

So what does this have to do with Airbnb? For years, staying at a hotel was the only way that a traveler could trust that they would get a good experience. So when Airbnb came along, most people rejected the idea. In fact, Airbnb was rejected for seed funding by the first seven investors that they approached. I remember hearing that Airbnb was a combination of the two worst ideas in Silicon Valley:

  1. Staying in the home of a stranger
  2. Renting out your spare room to a stranger

In his excellent site Stratechery, Ben Thompson talks about how Airbnb (and others) changed the game. It starts off with something called the Law of Conservation of Attractive Profits that Clayton Christianson wrote about in his book The Innovator’s Solution.

In short, there are commodity suppliers and integrated suppliers in the value chain. The integrated suppliers are the ones that make the big profits. In the original PC business, IBM was the integrated supplier, with its brand and its proprietary components, and everyone else was a commodity supplier. But it’s possible to change the game and commoditize others in the value chain take the profits for yourself. This is what Microsoft did to IBM. Who thought that the OS provider could commoditize the hardware provider — but they did.

Graphical Depiction of the Law of Conservation of Attractive Profits from

Now let’s look at Airbnb. Travelers have the same needs that they’ve always had. They want a place to stay that’s comfortable and safe that’s somewhere close to the activities that they want to do. So how can a supplier deliver a great experience to the traveler? Before Airbnb, hotels needed to own the whole building (or have a franchisee own it). They would deliver a consistent experience by having a set of corporate standards that represented the brand. So a traveler knew exactly what to expect when they went to a Mariott Courtyard.

However, with Airbnb, the company can set expectations for the traveler during the booking and reservation process. Instead of focusing on broad standards like bed type, free breakfasts, and free Wi-Fi, Airbnb can focus on individual customer experiences for each room that’s rented out. This lets Airbnb commoditize (sometimes called modularizing) the experience of each individual room and still maintain a consistent Airbnb experience. It also let’s Airbnb source from much smaller and diverse suppliers who have extra rooms. So Airbnb becomes the most important player in the experience and therefore the most valuable component in the value chain.

How Airbnb Altered the Hospitality Value Chain, Allowing It to Take Outsized Profits from

To learn more about how this all works check out Ben Thompson’s writing on Aggregator Theory at

Product Management

Reader Question: Don’t Chaos Monkeys Slow Things Down?

Today’s reader question comes from Marc about my article on Chaos Monkeys and the Simian Army.

I can’t speak for your mother-in-law, but I find this fascinating. Do the testing of problems actually slow down the system, much like as if I were changing a flat tire every week?

— Marc 

What A good question Marc! It’s a question that many people have but rarely ask. This type of testing does slow down the system a little, but the benefits outweigh the costs. It’s like asking “Doesn’t sleeping 8 hours a day make you less efficient? Wouldn’t you be more efficient if you worked the whole 24 hours?”

The key is that failure is baked into this model. Think about if you have 1000 wheels on the car instead of 4. Now each of these wheels is rated to be replaced every 3 years. So each day you can expect about one tire to go flat a day. But that’s on average.

One wheel breaking every day is a pretty easy thing to recover from. But if you have 1000 tires, some crazy things could happen that are very hard to predict ahead of time. What happens if multiple tires go out? What happens if three tires go out that are next to each other? What happens if the front right tire and the front left tire go out at the same time?

It’s much more complicated in Netflix’s case because you have many different types of systems that are interdependent. That’s why Netflix tests all these different contingencies. Yes, there’s a slight overhead in doing this but it allows you to ensure that the system is robust. Also, Netflix wants to make sure that if any single component fails, the system degrades gracefully. For example, if the recommendations system goes down, Netflix should display generic recommendations like new movies or fan favorites and everything else should work fine.

What we’re really talking about is humility in our ability to design a system perfectly up front. In order to run a system at 100% optimal efficiency, you’d need to be able to predict everything that could go wrong and also what may unexpectedly change in the future. For a long time, people have worked hard at making this planning process better. However, trying to make the planning process perfect starts to take more and more time and cuts into the efficiency of the project. Also, and this may be obvious, it’s impossible to plan perfectly for the future.

This is why most software development is moving from a traditional “waterfall” design to a more “agile” design. People used to think that you should build software like you build a building. This was called “waterfall” because you start at the top with your strategy and that design flows down all the way into execution. You make highly detailed plans and then take years to build it. However, we’ve realized over the years that we can solve most key business problems without building the whole software project — we just build the parts that matter. Also, people can start using the software before it’s done — which lets us revise the plans on a regular basis as we see how it’s used. We’re accepting that we don’t know the total plan. We have an idea of where we want to go in five years, but we only know what we’re building over the next few months.

But why does agile work? Isn’t it more efficient to do all the planning first and then build it? Yes. But not in a way you think. The waterfall method is more efficient for software; however, it’s not what’s best to get the job done. When people start a project,  they don’t actually know everything that the product needs to do up front. They wish they could know 100% of the system in the beginning but they never actually do that. Think about trying to design a user interface five years ago. Would you even have considered building a voice interface like Amazon’s Alexa? Of course not. So if you built your 5-year-product roadmap, it wouldn’t have even considered a voice interface.

This idea of breaking projects down into small parts goes beyond software. Bent Flyvbjerg (researcher in project planning with a super awesome name) has found that larger projects are more likely to have cost overruns. However, it’s not necessarily about the size of the project itself, it’s much more related to the size of the segment of the project. Public works projects like building a bridge or a dam, which can only be built in one large chunk, are more likely to have cost overruns than a road, which can be built in small segments.

MIL Guide to Technology Product Management

The Mother-in-Law’s Guide to Chaos Engineering

In this post, I’m trying to take something technical and make it (mostly) readable for my mother-in-law. Enjoy!

One big trend, especially for internet companies like Facebook, Google and Netflix, is not to have one massive computer anymore. This is an oversimplification but computers used to be one big expensive box. The faster the computer you needed, the more money you spent. But eventually, the computers became too expensive to possibly meet the needs of today’s internet companies. So Netflix (and others) started stitching together these large supercomputers out of many smaller and cheaper computers by connecting them in these clever ways.

The benefits of doing this are pretty amazing because they allow you to get this supercomputer that can do incredible things that are very low cost. The problem is with each of the smaller computers. Because they’re so cheap, they can fail at any time. This means that Netflix has computers failing constantly. But customers don’t see this happening. So how does Netflix get this to work?

Netflix needs to make sure that of all its computers and systems are resilient. Using a car metaphor, Netflix is always able to swap out a spare tire if one gets a flat. On their blog, Netflix explains how they test this tire changing/computer failing problem:

Imagine getting a flat tire. Even if you have a spare tire in your trunk, do you know if it is inflated? Do you have the tools to change it? And, most importantly, do you remember how to do it right? One way to make sure you can deal with a flat tire on the freeway, in the rain, in the middle of the night is to poke a hole in your tire once a week in your driveway on a Sunday afternoon and go through the drill of replacing it. This is expensive and time-consuming in the real world, but can be (almost) free and automated in the cloud.

This was our philosophy when we built Chaos Monkey, a tool that randomly disables our production instances to make sure we can survive this common type of failure without any customer impact. The name comes from the idea of unleashing a wild monkey with a weapon in your data center (or cloud region) to randomly shoot down instances and chew through cables — all the while we continue serving our customers without interruption. By running Chaos Monkey in the middle of a business day, in a carefully monitored environment with engineers standing by to address any problems, we can still learn the lessons about the weaknesses of our system, and build automatic recovery mechanisms to deal with them. So next time an instance fails at 3 am on a Sunday, we won’t even notice.

In addition to Chaos Monkey, Netflix has a number of other members of the Simian Army. The Netflix descriptions of these fellows is a bit technical:

Latency Monkey induces artificial delays in our RESTful client-server communication layer to simulate service degradation and measures if upstream services respond appropriately. In addition, by making very large delays, we can simulate a node or even an entire service downtime (and test our ability to survive it) without physically bringing these instances down. This can be particularly useful when testing the fault-tolerance of a new service by simulating the failure of its dependencies, without making these dependencies unavailable to the rest of the system.

Chaos Gorilla is similar to Chaos Monkey, but simulates an outage of an entire Amazon availability zone. We want to verify that our services automatically re-balance to the functional availability zones without user-visible impact or manual intervention.

Product Management

The Speed of Technology OR Forget Being Thankful for Your iPhone, Be Thankful For the Elimination of Cholera

I just came back from a technology conference. I felt like it was mandatory for each speaker to talk about the speed of technology. The problem is that most people tell this story in a highly boring way.  Some use high level markers like the industrial revolution, the discovery of the telephone, the first TV broadcast, etc. Other people just say things like “Remember, just 10 years ago the iPhone was created.”

A few years ago, when I gave a speech, I found some great data in a project by the National Academy of Sciences  Greatest Engineering Achievements of the 20th Century National Academy of Engineering. As part of the book, they showed what things were like before major inventions changed our lives. Some of my favorite examples:

  • Health: At the turn of the last century, indoor plumbing was not common. Raw sewage was often dumped directly into streets and open gutters which went straight into rivers and lakes, many of which were sources of drinking water. Waterborne diseases were the 3rd leading cause of death.

  • Household Appliances: In 1930 a popular women’s magazine asked readers “How many times have you wished you could push a button and have all your household chores performed for you?” This was decades before modern conveniences like dishwashers and microwaves were possible.
  • Cars: In 1904 there were a grand total of 141 miles of paved roads outside of cities. The first crossing of the continent by car, in 1903, required 44 days of hard driving.
  • Telecom: Telephones were initially sold in pairs. The first customer, a Boston banker, leased a pair for his office and home and needed to purchase a private line to join them.

If you like this sort of thing, Tim Hartford has a fascinating podcast called 50 Things that Made the Modern Economy.

Ideas Product Management

What Makes a Great Consultant OR the Best Appliance Repairman Ever

What makes a great consultant? It’s someone who get’s the job done quickly,  teaches me instead of selling me and gives me the advice for the future. I’ve also got a great example of a bad consultant. The best consultant that I’ve met recently was the guy that fixed my refrigerator.

The Issue

Our Viking refrigerator was broken. The water filter was stuck. It was so badly stuck that in the act of trying to get it out, I broke the holder for the water filter. At this point, we needed to call in an expert before my “home improvement” project became a “buy another fridge” project.

Calling for help

So I called Len’s Appliance in Brooklyn (718) 238-3200. In the past, I’ve learned its useful for me to be there when the repairman comes rather than trying to rope someone else in. If it’s a bad repairman, I can avoid the damage. If it’s a good repairman, there’s a lot I can learn.


Get in Quick, Get It Done and Get Out

He came in and fixed the problem within 10 seconds. He grabbed the filter, disengaged it from the holder and twisted to remove the filter. The filter holder itself was made horribly. Not only is it very flimsy but it requires a lot of force in an awkward position to remove it. This is not a good combination. The force needed to take the filter out of the refrigerator stresses the holder so every time I change the filter, it’s always on the verge of breaking it. Once he removed the filter from its holder he could easily apply enough force to remove the filter. Wow that’s bad design.

Teach Me to Fish Rather Than Selling Me a Fish

Now remember, I called Len’s because of the broken filter holder.  After removing the filter he told me where I could go to buy a replacement. It was fairly easy to install myself and it wouldn’t be worth the $125 service call for him to reinstall it. Then he paused. “On second thought,” he said, “you don’t actually need this piece at all.” He explained that the poorly designed holder that made it difficult to remove the filter was only in use DURING the filter change process. So it actually wasn’t necessary at all.

Give Me Advice for the Future

Then he told me about the refrigerator itself. We’d bought this Viking fridge because we were under the impression that this fridge was unique in its size. This is a tiny Manhattan kitchen where space is a premium. He mentioned that the fridge was actually a standard size which is great! He also said that it’s out of production now and that spare parts are more expensive and will continue to go up in price.  Eventually, the parts will be impossible to buy.

Did you know that refrigerators are only meant to last 7 years? That’s what he told us. That big expensive kitchen appliance that you thought would last forever goes out of production every 7 years and you’ll need to buy a new one when it breaks. He told us that if the refrigerator breaks badly, it’s probably worth just buying a new one.   Oh, and from what he’s seen, the cheaper models like GE break less often than the Viking ones.

He felt bad that he was charging me $125 for the visit when he was only in my apartment for 15 minutes. But this was the best repair visit that I’d ever had.

Now read about a really bad consultant.


Fun Stuff Product Management

The Worst Consultant OR My Favorite Consulting Joke

A man in a hot air balloon comes descending on a meadow where a shepherd is tending his flock. After he greets the man he asks him “If I tell you how many sheep you have without having to count them, will you give me one of them?”

The shepherd agrees.

The man in the balloon says “You have 100 sheep.”

A bit surprised the shepherd says “How did you know?”

“Well,” says the man, “your field is about 5 km by 5km and in this part of the wilderness you can graze 4 sheep on each square km of land. So 5×5 is 25 square km times 4 is 100 sheep.”

“Wow, you’re right,” said the shepherd, “please take your pick of the sheep.”

After the man in the balloon selects his sheep, the shepherd turns to him and says “if I tell you what you do for a living, will you give me my animal back?”

The man in the balloon agrees. The shepherd says “You are a consultant.”

The man in the balloon is amazed at the insight that the shepherd has shown and says “How on earth did you know I am a consultant?”

The shepherd answered, “You showed up here even though nobody called you. You want to get paid for an answer I already knew, to a question I never asked. And you don’t know a thing about my business … now give me back my dog!”

For an example of a great consultant read up about the great refrigerator repair experience I had.

Life Lessons Product Management

The Checklist Manifesto

While I was writing my other post The Power of Checklists OR I Don’t Care How Many Years You Went to School, You Still Have to Follow the Process I was trying to learn more about Gawande’s view on checklists. So I started rereading The Checklist Manifesto. In the introduction of the book, he actually writes an actual manifesto which I’ll try to summarize here — quoting liberally.

In the 1970s, Samuel Gorovitz and Alasdair MacIntyre published a short essay called “Toward a Theory of Medical Fallibility” where they looked at the different ways that doctors fail. They broke it down into two categories: ignorance (not knowing something) and ineptitude (not able to do something well that you knew how to do).

First, let’s look at ignorance:

I was struck by how greatly the balance of ignorance and ineptitude has shifted. For nearly all of history, people’s lives have been governed primarily by ignorance. This was nowhere more clear than with the illnesses that befell us. We knew little about what caused them or what could be done to remedy them. But sometime over the last several decades—and it is only over the last several decades—science has filled in enough knowledge to make ineptitude as much our struggle as ignorance.

Consider heart attacks. Even as recently as the 1950s, we had little idea of how to prevent or treat them. We didn’t know, for example, about the danger of high blood pressure, and had we been aware of it we wouldn’t have known what to do about it. The first safe medication to treat hypertension was not developed and conclusively demonstrated to prevent disease until the 1960s. We didn’t know about the role of cholesterol, either, or genetics or smoking or diabetes.

Furthermore, if someone had a heart attack, we had little idea of how to treat it. We’d give some morphine for the pain, perhaps some oxygen, and put the patient on strict bed rest for weeks—patients weren’t even permitted to get up and go to the bathroom for fear of stressing their damaged hearts. Then everyone would pray and cross their fingers and hope the patient would make it out of the hospital to spend the rest of his or her life at home as a cardiac cripple.

But now we’ve conquered a good portion of ignorance — and greatly increasing the amount of ineptitude:

But now the problem we face is ineptitude, or maybe it’s “eptitude”—making sure we apply the knowledge we have consistently and correctly. Just making the right treatment choice among the many options for a heart attack patient can be difficult, even for expert clinicians. Furthermore, whatever the chosen treatment, each involves abundant complexities and pitfalls. Careful studies have shown, for example, that heart attack patients undergoing cardiac balloon therapy should have it done within ninety minutes of arrival at a hospital. After that, survival falls off sharply. In practical terms this means that, within ninety minutes, medical teams must complete all their testing for every patient who turns up in an emergency room with chest pain, make a correct diagnosis and plan, discuss the decision with the patient, obtain his or her agreement to proceed, confirm there are no allergies or medical problems that have to be accounted for, ready a cath lab and team, transport the patient, and get started.

What is the likelihood that all this will actually occur within ninety minutes in an average hospital? In 2006, it was less than 50 percent.

And this goes beyond medicine:

Know-how and sophistication have increased remarkably across almost all our realms of endeavor, and as a result, so has our struggle to deliver on them. You see it in the frequent mistakes authorities make when hurricanes or tornadoes or other disasters hit. You see it in the 36 percent increase between 2004 and 2007 in lawsuits against attorneys for legal mistakes—the most common being simple administrative errors, like missed calendar dates and clerical screw ups, as well as errors in applying the law. You see it in flawed software design, in foreign intelligence failures, in our tottering banks—in fact, in almost any endeavor requiring mastery of complexity and of large amounts of knowledge.

Such failures carry an emotional valence that seems to cloud how we think about them. Failures of ignorance we can forgive. If the knowledge of the best thing to do in a given situation does not exist, we are happy to have people simply make their best effort. But if the knowledge exists and is not applied correctly, it is difficult not to be infuriated. What do you mean half of heart attack patients don’t get their treatment on time? What do you mean that two-thirds of death penalty cases are overturned because of errors? It is not for nothing that the philosophers gave these failures so unmerciful a name —ineptitude. Those on the receiving end use other words, like negligence or even heartlessness….

The capability of individuals is not proving to be our primary difficulty, whether in medicine or elsewhere. Far from it. Training in most fields is longer and more intense than ever. People spend years of sixty-, seventy-, eighty-hour weeks building their base of knowledge and experience before going out into practice on their own—whether they are doctors or professors or lawyers or engineers. They have sought to perfect themselves. It is not clear how we could produce substantially more expertise than we already have. Yet our failures remain frequent. They persist despite remarkable individual ability.

And then we get to the manifesto itself:

Here, then, is our situation at the start of the twenty-first century: We have accumulated stupendous know-how. We have put it in the hands of some of the most highly trained, highly skilled, and hardworking people in our society. And, with it, they have indeed accomplished extraordinary things.

Nonetheless, that know-how is often unmanageable. Avoidable failures are common and persistent, not to mention demoralizing and frustrating, across many fields—from medicine to finance, business to government. And the reason is increasingly evident: the volume and complexity of what we know has exceeded our individual ability to deliver its benefits correctly, safely, or reliably. Knowledge has both saved us and burdened us.

That means we need a different strategy for overcoming failure, one that builds on experience and takes advantage of the knowledge people have but somehow also makes up for our inevitable human inadequacies. And there is such a strategy—though it will seem almost ridiculous in its simplicity, maybe even crazy to those of us who have spent years carefully developing ever more advanced skills and technologies.

It is a checklist.

Ideas Product Management

Click Here to Kill Everyone. A Security Expert’s View on the Internet of Things.

There are a lot of articles about Artificial intelligence and what it will mean to the world. People are asking questions like Where is Technology Taking The Economy? and Where Machines Could Replace Humans?. One thing that’s clear is that computers have become an integral part of our life.

Computers used to be ancillary items that would help us get things done. For example,  a GPS system was just a better map. If the GPS failed, we could always go back to a map to find our way home. Today, we can’t live without computers. Take driving for instance. We don’t drive our cars anymore. When we turn the steering wheel or press a gas pedal we are actually sending a signal to the computer that that drives the car.

Bruce Schneier, one of the world’s top security experts, just published an article about the dangers of this new environment called Click Here to Kill Everyone. With the Internet of Things, we’re building a world-size robot. How are we going to control it? He’s also released the book. 

Giant robot? What is Schneier talking about? He says:

Broadly speaking, the Internet of Things has three parts. There are the sensors that collect data about us and our environment: smart thermostats, street and highway sensors, and those ubiquitous smartphones with their motion sensors and GPS location receivers. Then there are the “smarts” that figure out what the data means and what to do about it. This includes all the computer processors on these devices and — increasingly — in the cloud, as well as the memory that stores all of this information. And finally, there are the actuators that affect our environment. The point of a smart thermostat isn’t to record the temperature; it’s to control the furnace and the air conditioner. Driverless cars collect data about the road and the environment to steer themselves safely to their destinations.

You can think of the sensors as the eyes and ears of the internet. You can think of the actuators as the hands and feet of the internet. And you can think of the stuff in the middle as the brain. We are building an internet that senses, thinks, and acts.

This is the classic definition of a robot. We’re building a world-size robot, and we don’t even realize it.

This reliance on computers changes the way we should be thinking about computer security. Security has three components: confidentiality, availability and integrity. In the past, when people were thinking about security, they were most concerned about confidentiality (e.g., someone was reading their email, someone stealing their identity). But today there’s a far bigger problem in availability and integrity. Shutting down your car (availability) is a far bigger problem than someone knowing where you are all the time (confidentiality). And modifying your car (integrity) to prevent your brakes from working on the highway is the biggest problem of all.

But even cars aren’t the biggest problem. It’s all these smaller things that we’re connecting to the Internet — the Internet of Things. Last year we saw some enterprising hackers marshal together millions of DVRs and webcams to attack the core infrastructure of the internet and bring websites like Twitter, Amazon and Netflix down. Here’s the basic problem:

  • Prioritizing functionality and cost over security. While companies like Apple and Google spend hundreds of millions of dollars on security and pushing out updates, there are many smaller companies making connected devices that don’t care much about security. They often aren’t made in a way to update this security. And because consumers don’t really care if their DVR or refrigerator has good security, it’s unlikely that this will change. So now you have devices connected to the internet that are vulnerable both as victims and coopted attackers. Because these devices are all connected in an ecosystem, a failure of one seemingly unimportant piece can cause far bigger consequences like how an unsecured fish tank connected to the internet let hackers infiltrate a casino.
  • Connecting everything to the internet. Now because all these devices are connected to thet internet, you’ve got to protect against the best hackers in the world. Just look at how North Korea is trying to finance the country through ransomware. I’m not convinced that I’m going to win a hacking battle with a nation — are you?

So how do we fix this? Schneider doesn’t have great solutions but he has a couple:

  • Regulation. While regulation is normally anathema to computer programmers, for cybersecurity it is needed. There are a few ways to look at this. First of all, the internet as a whole is a utility. In order to maintain the availability of the utility and protect against catastrophe, it’s reasonable to regulate it. Secondly, you can view security as a public health system. In order to maintain the health of the internet, we need to ensure that there are a limited number of viruses on it and we take those viruses seriously. Otherwise, these viruses can imperil the health of the entire system. Schneir’s point is that regulation is inevitable so we should start thinking about it now.
  • Disconnection. Why are we connecting everything to the internet?! Everyone is so excited about connecting everything to the internet without thinking about the risks. How much do we lose by disconnecting a power station’s controls from the Internet? It’s probably a little more expensive to have a person or two stationed directly at the plant. But if we leave them connected, there’s the real danger that they can be attacked by a hacker and brought down or destroyed.

In the excitement over all the possibilities that Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things can bring, we need to be vigilant about protecting the ecosystem. But people remain far too optimistic about the future. Just today I saw an article titled Cyber Attacks on U.S. Power Grids Can Be Deterred With Password Changes that should have been titled “US Power Grid Has Multiple Security Holes.” Oh, and taking down a power grid is already being tested in Ukraine.

Addendum: The full book came out. Schneier focuses on 3 scenarios throughout the book: The first is a cyberattack against a power grid. The second is murder by remote hacking of an Internet-connected car. The third is the “click here to kill everybody” scenario, involving replication of a lethal virus by a hacked bio-printer. The first example has already happened. The capability has been demonstrated for the second. The third remains to be seen.

Kids Product Management

Alexa and Google in Our Home

In our home, we have a rule that there are no phones at the dinner table. We do this so everyone is paying attention to each other — not their phones. When a person has a phone at the table, it lets them be alone, even if they are sitting in a group. It gives that person a superpower to transport their mind to a completely different place. People are alone together (per Sherry Turkle):

Teenagers Alone Together

When you have an Amazon Echo or Google Home, that is another entity in the room. Some people are worried about how kids are being rude to Alexa and how they will bring this rudeness to their interactions with people. I think this is a red herring. It’s much easier for kids to deal with a free standing AI like Alexa than trying to teach children how to deal with a human being combined with a smartphone.

When the iPad came out, many of the reviews highlighted how useful it was for children. It’s the same way with voice assistants. The kids will do a lot of exploring. You’ll want to lock the machines down these down to prevent purchasing everything on Amazon. We’ve learned a lot from our kids’ explorations, most interestedly that there are songs called I Pooped and Diaper Baby.

For reference, our setup is two Google Home Mini’s that are each next to a Chromecast. We also have an Amazon Echo in the dining room table.

Some other things that we use the voice assistant for:

  • To check the weather
  • To play music
  • For the kids to watch their TV show on Netflix
  • To turn on and off the TV (Chromecast + Google Home)
  • As an intercom (between the Google Homes)

Update (2/10/2018): There’s a great video about politeness and Alexa called Southern Alexa.